Wednesday, January 6, 2010

ADD and My Life

I think my brain is becoming a spam filter. Let's take today, for example. I have given intructions and I am ready to pass out tests, and ask " What questions do you have about the test or the assignment that you are to begin when you are done?". I should have just asked a Prince from Zaire to send me ads to grow different parts of my anatomy. First it was 3 hands,not so bad. Than 3 more, seriously?!?!?Then to top it off 4 hands from students who already asked questions,apparently they were two parters and I cut them off. Of the 12- 14 questions I answered, 4 I had previously mentioned in instructions, 3 were repeats, 5 had nothing to do with the test or assignment, and 2 were just plain dumb.
I know that if you do the math on the numbers above there is no consistancy between them, but who cares?
That is just a taste of one portion ,of one period, of my day. It is no suprise to me when you ask a kid what they did at school , they reply"nuthin" . The are probably thinking about monkeys and how can I beat the next level of my video game.

This just in...."Are you busy Saturday? Because I am". And I thought letting ids eat in my room was a good idea....

Can we just add medication to the water suppply at school and let the kids drone through the day?